Monday, May 23, 2011

The "YES" of Missions

Leaving at 6:00AM last Thursday morning, Mobberly Baptist Church of Longview Texas began to answer "yes" to the call of missions. When they arrived at our dorm just after 11:00PM, exhausted and road weary, they continued to answer "'yes'... we will be up at 8:000AM." A team of 15 men and women (including a former SMRM staffer!) came to wash and paint the exterior of our dorm.

Despite the rain cloud that loomed overhead Friday morning, the team said " is time to begin."
Yes... I can do that job
Yes... we are almost finished... what can we do next?
Yes... we can provide gifts to place in the welcome bags for international students
Yes... we can build shelves in the storage room
Yes... we can replace the boards on the seat of your porch benches
Yes... we can rebuild your picnic tables
Yes... we can replace the carpet on the front porch
Yes... we will surprise Katy and Joey with a baby shower
Yes... we will share our extra food with, listen to, and pray with the neighbors

The task of completing the pressure washing and painting of the dorm seemed too large to complete in 2 and a half days. Yes, we had our doubts. But the even bigger YES was the blessing of God's presence as he enable the team to accomplish not just this task but so much more! This team understands missions as more than doing a project; it is about relationships- living out God's love through words and actions.

Yes... the dorm looks fantastic!
Yes... the summer staff has begun to arrive!
Yes... to God alone we give the glory!